We are a Colombian non-profit devoted to using new technologies to protect and promote the historical heritage of Latin America.

We design and build custom scanners to digitize historical collections, create tools and platforms to make them accessible, and develop digital history projects.

Digitization of Semanario Voz, Bogotá, Colombia

Newspaper digitization with the Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica


Between 2017 and 2018, Neogranadina worked with Colombia’s National Center for Historical Memory to digitize almost the entire run of the Voz newspaper (variously known as Voz del Pueblo, Voz de la Democracia, Voz del Proletariado, and Semanario Voz over the course of its history), the official newspaper of the Colombian Communist Party. We digitised almost the entire run of issues from 1958 to 2016, totalling some 94,000 pages.

These materials were used by the Colombian Truth Commission, and are now in the process of being made available in Colombia’s Digital Archive of Human Rights and Historical Memory.


  • Neogranadina developed and built newspaper scanners to digitize these publications and installed them in the newspaper’s headquarters. There we provided training to operators who used the equipment, monitored their progress, and provided support.
  • We digitized and processed more than 94,000 pages of newsprint.
  • These materials can be consulted at the Archivo Virtual de los Derechos Humanos y Memoria Histórica website.
