Collaborative Cataloging was a project to recruit students, researchers and amateurs with paleography skills who could contribute to the cataloging of the thousands of documents from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries that we have digitized in different archives in Colombia. The objective was to work together toward a common goal: to make the thousands of documents digitized by Neogranadina accessible in a simple way and in accordance with international archival standards and digital repositories.
- Most of the participants dedicated their time to cataloging documents from the 16th and 17th centuries that Neogranadina digitized from the Second Notary of the collection of the Regional Historical Archive of Boyacá.
- Collaborative Cataloging allowed the formation of a community of students and researchers interested in the history of colonial Latin America and gave them the opportunity to develop paleographic skills and experience working with cultural heritage.
- The Collaborative Cataloging model has been used to implement similar workflows with undergraduate students at the University of California, Santa Barbara and the Narra la Independencia Project.
Most of the participants were students and researchers in the United States, Colombia and Peru who generously dedicated their time to cataloging documents.
- University of California Santa Barbara
- Narra la Independencia Project